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York vs. Victor Treatment Centers, et al.
---- Doctor: Center at fault in sodomy.

York vs. Victor Treatment Centers, Inc.
---- State to close 1 of 4 homes in sex abuse investigation.

York v. Victor Treatment Centers, et al.
---- Boy, 13, who was raped at foster home wins suit

York vs. Victor Treatment Centers, et al.
---- Molestation suit partially settled: Case will proceed vs. Rialto facility's owner

York vs. Victor Treatment Centers, et al.
---- $2.7 million in abuse damages; San Bernardino molestation civil trial adds $1.5 million in punitive costs to its earlier award.

York vs. Victor Treatment Centers, et al.
---- Lawyer lays blame in boys molestation; owner of San Bernardino group home are most liable for the 1999 incidents.

Ham vs. B.I.F.
---- Bif Furniture fends allegations that attempts were made to embezzle funds.

Lawrence vs. County of Los Angeles, et al.
---- Parents prevail, Win $1.5 Million for Son's Death. Foster caretakers are found at fault for scalding.

Cieslak vs. Hertz Rent-a-Car, et al.
---- Wrong-side driver crash settled for $3.75 Million

Grant vs. St. Jude Medical Center

---- Verdict of $132,000 awarded in wrongful termination case.